The Club, is comprised of a harmonious group of dog lovers who recognize the need to educate dog owners of the importance of owning a well behaved dog citizen and who volunteer their time to achieve this goal.
Our members are encouraged to be active, most of them are eager to put unusual talents to use and thus reap the special rewards participation brings. Many new and lasting friendships develop when people get together to share their common love of dogs.
Our meetings are the second Monday of the month and usually include a variety of educational programs and speakers. You are welcome to attend a meeting to see if our Club is right for you.
If you would like to join, fill out the application form and turn in with your dues and initiation fee to the secretary.
Your application will be presented at the first meeting following receipt of your application, initiation fee and dues.
MEMBERSHIP is open to all persons who subscribe to the purposes of this Club.
NOTE: YOU MUST BE A MEMBER FOR 90 DAY BEFORE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY DISCOUNTSTo qualify for class discounts and to a.end the Awards Banquet at 1/2 price, members are required to help clean the building atleast 1 (one) time each 6 (six) months (Jan-June and again July-December) AND help with at least 1 (one) of the following clubactivities during each 6 (six) months: trials, matches, or classes.
I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE Cons5tu5on, By-Laws, and Standing Rules of the Obedience Club of Daytona, Inc.
Typing your name below acts as a Legal Signature.